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Wednesday, October 24, 2018
10 Reasons to go for a Rainbow Mountain Peru Tour
Vinicunca, commonly
known as the Rainbow Mountains, is the perfect example of natural wonder. The
seven-colored mountain was concealed under thick ice layers for a long time.
With a rise in the adjacent atmospheric temperature, the snow gradually melted.
The thawing of the snow revealed the mountains. The variety of colors is a
result of the mineral deposits in stripes creating rainbow coloring. The
Mystique Mountains lie in a remote region of Ausengate in Peru. It’s a few
hours’ drive from Cusco. The mountain is worth hiking, and you must go there
for the grand experience.
1. Far from the crowd: If you want to spend
some time in Nature’s wildness, far from the crowd of travelers, the Rainbow
Mountain Peru Tour is the best option. The place is less crowded than many
other tourist spots, especially during the early morning time.
2. Opt for a leisure tour: If you avail the one
night two days Rainbow
Mountain Peru Tour of popular travel agencies like Photo Tours Peru, you
will have a relaxed journey. The hike has its difficulty level. So taking more
time will give you sufficient rest to enjoy the trip.
3. Watch the animals: Apart from the scenic
beauty of the mountains, you will also see the herds of animals grazing there.
The locals take them out for grazing. You will see lots of llamas, sheep, and
alpacas walking back to their resting points.
4. Listening to folk stories: One of the most
interesting parts of the hike is the stories that you will listen from the tour
leader and the porters. The folk stories tell so much about life in the
mountains. The more you get to know, the more you will fall in love with the
Andean beauty.
5. Cultural exchange: You will continuously
be among the locals in their natural surroundings. Knowing their tradition and
culture is something that will intrigue you. Exchange thoughts and knowledge to
nourish yourself with the rich cultural heritage of the mysterious mountains.
6. Enjoy the altitude: The Mountain lies at a
very high altitude of 5200 meters above sea level. Touring at such height is an
exciting experience that will make you more confident.
7. Enjoy gourmet meals: Enjoy the unexpectedly
good gourmet meals at the campsites. Have the kalamata wild rice along with
chicken cordon bleu and steamed veggies. You can drink the hot chocolates, tea,
or coffee at any time.
8. Help the locals: With the increase in
the tourism, the locals will also get a chance to earn. So you will be
contributing to Ayni Peru which means supporting the Andean communities at
remote locations.
9. Be a part of the festival: You can witness the
yearly festival of Quyllur Rit’i which attracts many Quechua pilgrims at about
20km north from the Ausangate. The festival takes place a week before the feast
of Corpus Christi.
10. Breathtaking view: it will be a lifetime
experience for you when you will see the gasping beauty of the colored
mountains. You will feel as if someone has literally painted the hills using
the color brushes.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Tell Me about Birding Tours Package to Peru
Peru has one of the
world’s widest bird varieties. The place has near about 1850 species of birds,
and still, many unknown birds add to the number continually. Peru has been the home for over 120 endemic
bird species. These birds are only found in Peru and nowhere else in the world.
You will be amused to see the vibrancy of colors, shapes, and sizes of the
birds as you travel through the land of the Incas. The chirping of the parrots
and macaws will wake you up I the morning.
Watch the bright plumage of the Andean Cock-of-the-rock which is the
national bird of Peru.
With increasing
accommodation, Northern Peru is now a lucrative coverage under the Birding
Tours Package To Peru. The variety of habitats in the area is the reason behind
the natural diversity of flora and fauna. Watch the lovely Spatuletail which is
the native bird. Traveling through the coastal wetlands, deserts, dry forests,
montane scrub, and the great Maranon valley, you can see the Black-cowled
Saltator, white-winged guan, Buff-bridles Inca Finch, Royal Sunangel, Maranon
Crescentchest, Fiery-Throated Fruiteater, Long Whickered Owlet, yellow-faced
Parrotlet, and Ochre-fronted Antpitta. The long drives will bring so many
varieties in front of you.
and Machu Picchu
The Birding
Tours Package To Peru from top-notch agencies like Photo Tours Peru can
take you to the southern fringes of Machu Picchu and Manu. The Manu National
Park is a big protected area where hundreds of endangered bird species stay and
breed naturally in the beautiful environment. The national park covers a
massive area starting from the lowlands of Amazonia to the Andean elevations.
The package includes accommodation in excellent lodges. You will have the best
time of your life watching the parrot licks, cock-of-the-rock, tanagers that
seem like jewels and the canopy towers.
The Cuzco town shows an entirely different bird collection. The
Polylepis forest also offers a rich bird watching treat.
When you are out for
bird watching, you will never forget to carry the camera with you to photograph
the rare birds. In the south area, you will get the accommodations in some of
the best lodges in the area. The roads of Manu are unforgettable. The variation
in the bird collection is significant due to a combination of different
terrains. Trogons, tanagers, colorful toucans, Hummingbirds, and the lovely
Antbirds will never fail to amuse you. The photography will be an experience to
treasure for the lifetime.
Peru area
The super endemic birds
are mostly present in the central region of Peru. At the remote corners of the
Andes, you will find the Fire-throated Metaltails, Rufous-backed Inca Finch,
and Golden-backed Mountain Tanagers. There are even many birds the species of
which are still unknown. It will not be surprising if you discover some new
species that have no record in the past journals on bird watching in Peru.
Start early in the morning to view the flocks of varied birds flying across the
sky exhibiting an array of vibrant colors.